Indigo Bay Wellness
lindsey lotito
Skills &
My goal is to help other families with evidence-based information and letting them make the best decision for their infant feeding journey. I will assist with infant feedings and breastfeeding issues. Even receiving help to learn how to pace bottle feed or when to introduce solids can help when families are not exclusively breastfeeding. Among other topics are managing correct latch, nipple pain/breast pain, tongue & lip ties, and so much more.
Every journey is truly unique and requires different guidance. I am very confident in my referral system being very thorough with my process of learning their qualifications and abilities to perform in their specialty.
Many view breastfeeding as natural and simple, it can become challenging when it does not happen that way. I encourage getting guidance with a lactation specialist. When returning from the hospital there are so many different things to adjust to, know that there is help for infant feeding. There can be trials and I would be able to help with navigation through those times.
After having a newborn, it can be difficult to manage numerous appointments, I want to provide home visits within Georgetown, SC and some surrounding counties. I will also be able to provide virtual visits, including some weekends and hours after 5:00PM.
I can also counsel prenatally, especially if there are certain medical conditions with maternal or infant care to help breastfeeding success after delivery. Prenatal visits can help prepare new families on what to expect after delivery with breastfeeding. It can give you more confidence after delivery and know when to contact a lactation help after returning home.
With these visits, I would look at you and your infants specific needs, and help have a plan in place for delivery. I would look at medical history, discuss the best times to initiate breastfeeding, how to get support, how to remove colostrum and how to feed it, and what to expect in the first 72 hours plus more.
I hope to help set that foundation for breastfeeding success or help with the next steps. Please feel free to contact me for any questions. I can direct you if it is something easy to fix or if we will need more time together.
Other Education & Certification
Orafacial myofunctional therapy 2023
Sarah Hornsby MyoMentor
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy is designed for individuals that have a any oral dysfunction with their tongue, lips and cheeks. There are many different ways patients have oral dysfunction, so each patient has specific exercises to help with the individual needs. There are a lot of connections with sleep breathing disorders and tongue & lip ties that are associated with OMT. Part of these 28 hours education credits are spent in detail discussing how to identify tongue, lip and buccal ties associated with oral dysfunction.
Lactation educATION counselor 2024
University of California San Diego Extended Studies
While taking my course for my IBCLC, International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant, I completed my LEC, Lactation Education Counselor with University of California San Diego. This is unique to learn from instructors and classmates for my 300 clinical hours are required for IBCLC along with equal hours of lectures, test and case studies in more detail then my LEC course. My IBCLC education will be completed in August 2024, and I will be able to sit for my exam April of 2025.
Services & Pricing
Prenatal education,
Low milk supply,
Latching difficulties,
Position techniques,
Low weight gain,
Pre/post weight feedings
Breast pump flange sizing,
Returning to work,
Paced bottle feeding,
Oversupply management,
Storage guidelines,
and much more
Virtual visits
$60/1 hour
follow up visits
$40/1 hour
Home visits
$100/1.5 hours
Follow up visits
$75/1 hour
*additional fees for traveling outside
of georgetown county and multiples infants.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is breastfeeding important?
Breastmilk provides your newborn with the nutrition made especially for them. For example, a male receives more protein than a female. Breastmilk lines their gut with good microbiome to support their immune system. They receive antibodies from you that protect them from sickness, even when you are sick. Breastfeeding also prevents illness and disease for the mother and infant. It is affordable, since it is free and takes less time then cleaning pump equipment and bottles. Another important factor is cranial development, they use certain muscles and help develop properly when they breastfeed. This leads to airway health and awareness.
What to expect during an appointment?
First, we would discuss medical history and any conditions/medications necessary to effect breastfeeding and to see how to work around it. Then, I can watch a session to help assess latch and position. I would weight your infant on a special scale before and after feedings to see how much milk was removed from each breast, we would know the exact amount for that feed. This lets us see a little window of the day to estimate what your infant removes with each feeding. Each part of the day has different amounts that can be expressed. After that we would set up a structured plan what works best for you and discuss any type of supplementation needed. If adding supplementation is necessary, it can be temporary to help build up supply. It is not always necessary long term. That is why taking a deeper look into your situation is much better. We can discuss your current plan virtually and see if changes can be made first. I would not do anything that you do not allow or feel comfortable with during an appointment. I can use my equipment to show you how to feed your infant.
A lot of families need multiple visits to get everything lined up correctly. Don’t feel discouraged, the journey for breastfeeding is not always easy. Finding the right support and information is crucial. Many families have complications, you are not alone and do not have to face this alone.
Why is it important for my infant to have a healthy airway?
Developing a healthy airway starts with breastfeeding because even the slowest nipple flow on a bottle does not use the same muscles an infant uses when breastfeeding. This leads to oral functions your baby will continue for the rest of their lives. Pacifiers can contribute to low tongue posture, which can lead to the start oral dysfunctions.
What if my baby cannot breastfeed?
Some babies do not have the strength to breastfeed. Paced bottle feedings can help along with having an infant assessment can help determine if help is needed with different oral motor exercises or even a possible tongue tie release. Some lip ties can also cause poor lip seal when trying to breastfeed. I highly recommend getting an exam since many other factors take a role in which decision you can make for your infant, it is best to all options before making your decision.
What if I do not want a tongue tie released?
You can make the best decision for your infant, and you do not have to do a tongue or lip release if you feel it is unnecessary. There are many other steps that can work also, I have many helpful providers that I can refer you to for more advice. If left untreated you can address at another age if you continue to see signs of oral dysfunction.
About Me
My name is Lindsey Lotito and I am a Lactation Counselor. I started Indigo Bay Wellness as a way to help new and experienced mothers with breastfeeding. Along that journey, I was able to learn so much more to help families.
I began my career as a Dental Hygienist in 2008 and have practiced clinically all these years as an Registered Dental Hygienist. I completed Expanded Duty Dental Assisting in 2006.
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy course was next with completion in 2023, which inspired me to become certified as a Lactation Education Counselor with University of California San Diego. Along with the 45 hour LEC course, I completed my 300 clinic hours and 120 hour course through pathway 2 at UCSD to sit for the International Board Certified Lactation Consultant exam in April.
Orofacial myofunctional therapy helped me connect so many dots with sleep and airway for my dental patients. I quickly learned that there is a gap with airway and tongue posture and it starts with parents being educated at birth. Breastfeeding helps develop the cranial features including the muscles to develop a healthy airway.